Walk-in’ the Talk - piloting assisted digital support at convenient times and places

Richard Palfery, analyst in the GDS Assisted Digital Team, describes a recent research pilot testing walk-in assisted digital support.
Richard Palfery, analyst in the GDS Assisted Digital Team, describes a recent research pilot testing walk-in assisted digital support.
In his last post about digital take up (DTU), Dave Worley signs off by reflecting on what he’s learned about government and digital take up in the last six months.
GDS user researcher Ruben Perez Huidobro has been busy helping the Waste carrier registration service.
Jessica Gough, user research manager for the Find an Apprenticeship exemplar service talks about how they approached the challenges of researching with offline users of a service aimed at a younger demographic.
Katy Arnold, Head of User Research Profession in the Home Office, talks about the approach they used to identify assisted digital users, which came up with some interesting and unexpected results.
Sue Buzzeo, Assisted Digital Project Manager for the Rural Payments service, talks about how they are putting in place help for farmers to claim their payments online.
...match the updates. The guidance now includes new information and definitions around assisted digital provision, as agreed through our cross-government work. For example, the guidance now explains; when services don’t...
Recently, Ministry of Justice Digital Services made it possible to book a prison visit online.
Government is transforming digital services to be so good that people prefer to use them, but what happens when a user can’t use the online service?
We recently blogged about work we've been doing to understand assisted digital users and their barriers to using digital services.