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digital by default service standard

Walk-in’ the Talk - piloting assisted digital support at convenient times and places

Photo of research participant

Richard Palfery, analyst in the GDS Assisted Digital Team, describes a recent research pilot testing walk-in assisted digital support.

No stone left unturned: Find an apprenticeship assisted digital user research

Photo of potential apprentice

Jessica Gough, user research manager for the Find an Apprenticeship exemplar service talks about how they approached the challenges of researching with offline users of a service aimed at a younger demographic. 

Improving the assisted digital guidance and assessment requirements

Assisted digital service manual screetshot

...match the updates. The guidance now includes new information and definitions around assisted digital provision, as agreed through our cross-government work. For example, the guidance now explains; when services don’t...

Common assessment recommendations we make to service teams about their assisted digital plans

A GDS panel, debriefing post assessment

...into user needs ensures that nobody is excluded from the service and that taxpayers’ money is used to best effect. Whether a service does or doesn’t pass, we usually make...