about assisted digital
Katy Arnold, Head of User Research Profession in the Home Office, talks about the approach they used to identify assisted digital users, which came up with some interesting and unexpected results.
We've been talking to service teams and content designers, getting their feedback on the Government Service Design Manual's assisted digital guidance. We want to make it as helpful as possible...
Put appropriate assisted digital support in place that’s aimed towards those who genuinely need it. - Point 10 in the Digital by Default Service Standard
...users in digital service design You should include assisted digital users (those with low or no digital skills) in your research around the on-screen part of your service, not just...
During the Digital by Default Service Assessment, every service will be assessed on whether the service team has identified who will need digital assistance and how best to provide it.
Over the last few months we have been doing a lot of work with services to identify what the user journey for assisted digital will be.
As government becomes digital by default, we recognise that some people are offline and others, whilst online, have limited digital capability.
...who their assisted digital users are develop support which meets their needs test their assisted digital plans with user experts One way services test their assisted digital plans is by...
...digital skills can use digital by default services (GDS committed to doing this in Action 9 of the Government Digital Strategy). What is assisted digital? Digital by default includes people...