How to test and refine assisted digital support before going live

Pilots are small-scale pieces of research with a limited number of a service’s users. They are a great way to test and iterate elements of your service.
Pilots are small-scale pieces of research with a limited number of a service’s users. They are a great way to test and iterate elements of your service.
GDS Assisted Digital lead Alan Rider plays back some of the highlights from the cross-Government retrospective workshop on boosting assisted digital capability.
Digital by default services need to be designed to include all of their users, including British Citizens with assisted digital needs overseas. In late 2015 the Home Office hosted a workshop on assisted digital overseas
Vanessa Clynes, User Experience Manager for the Employer Digital Service shares some of the challenges she faced when researching the assisted digital needs of business users.
We held the Digital Training and Support Framework Supplier Clarification Event in London on 8th December 2015.
GDS assisted digital lead Alan Rider talks about how departments recently came together to share their views and experience on meeting business users’ needs for assisted digital support.
Public sector organisations will use the Digital Training and Support framework to compare and buy digital inclusion training services and assisted digital support.
The Environment Agency’s Frazer Rhodes, from the National Flood Resilience Team explains how their Flood Warning service is developing high quality support for their offline users.
Dave Worley writes about the event held by the Carer’s Allowance Digital Service team, which was designed to boost confidence in their partner organisations to refer users to the digital route.
We held two supplier engagement events, here is what we presented.