How to test and refine assisted digital support before going live
Pilots are small-scale pieces of research with a limited number of a service’s users. They are a great way to test and iterate elements of your service.
Pilots are small-scale pieces of research with a limited number of a service’s users. They are a great way to test and iterate elements of your service.
We are pleased to announce that the Digital Training and Support Framework now includes 54 approved suppliers. This award notice has been published on the Contracts Finder service.
Richard Palfery, analyst in the GDS Assisted Digital Team, describes a recent research pilot testing walk-in assisted digital support.
Digital by default services need to be designed to include all of their users, including British Citizens with assisted digital needs overseas. In late 2015 the Home Office hosted a workshop on assisted digital overseas
Richard Palfery, analyst in the GDS Assisted Digital team, reflects on his experience of recruiting research participants with assisted digital support needs.
The Redundancy Payments Service will shortly be released as a public beta service having passed its recent service assessment on all 26 points, including putting appropriate assisted digital support in place
You can now read about assisted digital on the GDS blog.