We recently updated the Government Service Design Manual to help services understand and meet the requirements of criteria 10 of the Digital by Default Service Standard, which focuses on assisted digital.
We’re now updating this guidance to include a template for service managers to keep track of the assisted digital information they need.

We’ve put this template together in response to discussions with assisted digital leads in exemplar departments. It does not form part of the Service Standard assessment.
The template provides an optional information checklist for service managers to complete and consult against each of the design phases of their digital service. It complements existing guidance on assisted digital in the Service Design Manual (which includes the assisted digital action plan and a guide for researching assisted digital users).
With far more robust assessments of services’ assisted digital plans now underway, this kind of detail will help service managers to get it right.
You can download the template from the assisted digital action plan page of the Service Design Manual. If you have any particular comments on how we can improve the template then please email the assisted digital team.
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